Please see Uniform Order form at the bottom of this page
All pupils must wear the appropriate school uniform. ACET firmly believe that a smart dress code reinforces high standards of behaviour and respect. This is a school policy, endorsed by the Governing Body. Langwith Bassett Junior Academy uniform consists of the following items;
- Black blazer with the embroidered 'Langwith Bassett’ logo
- (please be aware there is a difference between the blazers for boys and girls;
- boys’ blazers have a black lining whereas the girls’ blazers have a blue lining).
- Blue shirt/blouse – long or short sleeved
- Blue and grey striped tie (elasticated)
- Grey smart v-neck jumper
- Black tailored trousers (girls and boys)
- Black pinafore dress
- Black tailored shorts (girls and boys during the summer term only)
- Blue gingham dress (summer term only)
- White socks for girls; mid-grey socks for boys
- Smart black shoes (not trainers)
Our PE Uniform consists of;
Class 1 and 2 (KS1)
- blue t-shirt
- black shorts
- black plimpsols or trainers (required for outdoor PE)
They may also bring a plain black or blue sweatshirt or wear their school jumper over the top of their PE kits if it is cold, children can also wear jogging bottoms or leggings to keep warm.
Class 3 and 4 (KS2)
- plain white t-shirt
- black shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings
- trainers (required for outdoor PE)
- Langwith Bassett Junior Academy Rugby Top
Any child not wearing the appropriate school uniform will be identified by the class teacher and will be given the necessary items to wear for the duration of the school day. Such items of clothing will then need to be returned, by the child, to the school reception before the child leaves to go home.
We do not ask pupils to change their footwear every day but if the weather is extreme – thick snow or torrential rain – we ask them to bring a change of shoes.
Each of these items can be purchased individually or as a subsidised bundle for £25 which contains:
- Blazer
- Jumper
- Rugby Top
- Tie
Please see Mrs Patterson in reception to purchase any uniform items.