Class 2 Squirrels
Welcome to our Class 2 page.
Class 2 is a mixture of Year 1 and Year 2 children. Our teacher is Miss Freestone and our teaching assistant is Mrs Hunt.
At the start of each morning there will be a morning task for the children to complete whilst the register is taken. The children will then go straight into assembly.
As part of our morning lessons the children will take part in phonics, English and maths.
PE lessons will take place on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon so please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days. Please cover any earrings with tape.
In the afternoons children will take part in a range of lessons including handwriting, history, geography, RE, RSHE, music, DT and art.
On Wednesday the children will have chance to visit our school library to change their levelled book and book to share.
On Friday the children will have a weekly spelling test, at this time they will also be given spellings for next week.
The children will need to bring their reading books and planners everyday as children will get an opportunity to read to a teacher or teaching assistant at least once a week.
In English our learning this half term is linked to 'oi frog'