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Foundations @ Langwith Bassett Baby Owls - FS1 & FS0 (2 year-old)

Foundations (Baby Owls) are taught by Hayley Oxley and are supported by our Early Years Lead Cheryl Dunphy.  The FS1 children share a brand new bespoke foundations unit with Reception children.

Foundations at Langwith Bassett provides a safe, stimulating and secure learning environment for all children. The Foundation Stage is a vital part of every child's education as it develops and promotes a love for learning.  Our aim is to ensure every child has the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to reach their full potential. 

We acknowledge that children learn at different rates and that each child is unique. Our curriculum supports this ethos and is flexible. We follow the children’s interests, alongside introducing them to new and engaging experiences.

Our curriculum supports pupils’ development in all 7 areas of learning (see below) and each area includes ‘Curriculum Goals’ for the children to achieve each term.

3 Prime areas of learning:                                                              

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language

4 specific areas of learning:                          



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Throughout these areas, children will also be developing the Characteristics of Effective Learning:

Playing and Exploring

Active Learning

Creating and Thinking Critically

Communication and language is at the heart of our curriculum and underpins all areas of learning. High quality conversations and vocabulary development occur daily through play-based learning, continuous provision and story time.

Books shared at story time have been carefully selected to ensure our pupils learn new vocabulary, speak in clear sentences, develop their conversational skills, deepen their understanding and ask and answer questions. 


Assessment is based primarily on practitioners’ knowledge of the children. This knowledge is gained predominantly from observation and interaction in a range of daily activities and events. Embedded learning is identified by assessing what a child can do consistently and independently in a range of everyday situations. We understand effective assessment presents a holistic view of a child’s learning and development and therefore staff take account of contributions from a range of perspectives, including the child, their parents and other relevant adults when completing these

FS0 (2- year olds)

We have a brand new bespoke setting for our 2-year-old children.  This has been built to carefully match their development needs.

Children can start FS0 the term after they have had their second birthday. Children are invited to attend for morning sessions only:

  • Monday to Friday half day (mornings) 8.45am-11.45pm (3 hours per day, 15 hours per week)

Some children are eligible for 15 hours of free funding from the term after their 2nd birthday. To enquire if your child is entitled to a free place, please contact the Academy office.


Children can start FS1 the term after they have had their third birthday. There are 3 options on offer:   

  • Monday to Friday full days 8.45am–3.15pm (6 and a half hours per day, 30 hours per week)
  • Monday to Friday half day (mornings) 8.45am-11.45am (3 hours per day, 15 hours per week)
  • Monday to Friday half day (afternoons) 12.15pm-3.15pm (3 hours per day, 15 hours per week)

All children are funded by the Early Years Education Department for 15 hours per week for 38 weeks from the term after their 3rd birthday.

Some children are eligible for 30hrs funded childcare. To check if your child is entitled to 30 hours funded childcare, please search

Additional hours can be purchased (in addition to funded hours), subject to availability; these can be requested in sessions of 3 or 6 hours and will be charged.