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Breakfast Club

National School Breakfast Programme

We are very pleased to be part of The National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP) which is funded by the Department for Education and delivered by Family Action to support schools in England to provide children with a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day.

At Langwith Bassett we recognise the importance that all children have a healthy and nutritious breakfast to ensure they start their school day in the best possible way. Breakfast gives children the energy they need for a busy school morning and here at Langwith Bassett we are committed to ensuring that no child is too hungry to learn.

There are currently two strands to our Breakfast provision. Pupils may attend Breakfast club in person from 8.10am. This provision is staffed by Academy staff and is open to pupils from FS2 to Y6. Pupils receive a choice of cereals, fruit, toast and bagels which are served in the hall. For this supervised provision there is a charge of £1 a day.

The second option available, is “Grab and Go” bagels. Each classroom has a small supply of bagels and all pupils are able to help themselves to these if they choose. This provision is available in class from 8.30am until the close of morning register.