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 "We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience." - George Washington


At Langwith Bassett Junior Academy, our History Curriculum is designed to offer a well-rounded history curriculum that focuses on gaining a knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and that of the wider world.  Through our teaching, we want to inspire pupils' curiosity to know more about the past.  High-quality historical learning encourages critical thinking skills, the ability to collate evidence, immerse in discussions and allows pupils to develop perspective and judgement.  Learning is fun, stimulating, thought-provoking and challenging  to enable learners to make progress through all key stages.  To support our pupils to have a rich understanding of previous events, we encourage them to have conversations that generate questions to deepen their knowledge of the curriculum.  We want to enable children to gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background.


History in Foundations@Langwith is taught through the 'Understanding of the World' strand of the EYFS curriculum.  In nursery, the children participate in discussions including talking about events from their past and explaining how they have changed since they were born. As the children move through to Reception, they begin small history-focused topics to support them to understand and talk about events and people from the past and to compare to now, drawing on their own experiences and information learnt from books. The key skills stated in the Foundations at Langwith curriculum goals and our focus on communicating effectively, developing new language and vocabulary, ensures our pupils are prepared for the next stage of their History education.

Within KS1 and KS2, History is taught throughout the year.  The key knowledge, skills and vocabulary of each unit builds progressively across year groups, allowing children to build on and embed prior learning and make links across units.  Where possible, cross-curricular links are also made. This includes our History focuses within our English writing, or making links in Maths. Lessons are engaging and include a variety of teaching styles and tasks to ensure pupils are motivated.  When possible, children use their love of reading to research and deepen their understanding.  Children are encouraged to use our library to find books on the topic they are learning about. They are taught how to show respect for events and people from the past and how they have shaped the world we live in.


The impact of successful teaching and learning in History is shown through outcomes in our pupil's exercise books and class floor books.  Within these books there will be evidence of a broad and balanced curriculum that demonstrates children's knowledge and understanding.  History work will be regularly displayed and shared throughout school or via our academy Facebook page and website. Pupil voice will show a love for History and children will be eager to share what they have learnt with others in a positive and inspiring manner.