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Extra Curricular

At Langwith Bassett Junior Academy we offer a range of after-school clubs:


Lego Clubs runs each Thursday 3-4pm and has up to 21 children attending when at full capacity. It is offered to children in Y1, 2 and 3.

Children have the chance to work within group of 4 or 5 on large creative projects encouraging social activity while following rules and boundaries. They have produced some fantastic pieces and have happily worked on each other's creations over a number of weeks. They have become more confident in their social interactions during this time. 

Children have the opportunity to take part in challenges which are Lego therapy based. This encourages children to communicator with one another and solve problems while building creations in groups of 3. In these activities each student is given a specific riole which everyone needs to follow. 


Engineer - Who is in charge of the instructions and gives directions to the supplier and builder but cannot touch the lego

Supplier - Listen to the engineer explain which lego peirce to find and passes these to the builder. The supplier is not allowed to look at the instructions but can ask the engineer questions. The supplier is not allowed to build.

Builder - Listens to and follows the engineers instructions but cannot look at the instructions. The builder can ask the engineer questions but cannot find the lego pieces as this is the suppliers job. 

The children have been very eager to take on these challenges showing great pride in their achievements. 

Bassett Business Kids is a long established afterschool club. The aim of the BBK is to support school and give back to local charities. In the past the BBK have made beautiful items to sell to our students and parents to raise money. They still do this and have added raffles to their income avenues.

The group is made up of students from Years 5 and 6. They all have an opportunity to apply at the beginning of the school year. They are chosen on the merit of their application form.

Each term they have a planning meeting, this is where they decide what we are going to target, how they going to do this and then what might be the outcome. After any event/fundraiser we have a feedback session, this gives us an opportunity to look at ways in which they can improve. When an event is in the planning stage, all the members have an opportunity to work in different areas such as manufacturing, finance, marketing and delivery. The students also help at wider school events like running the book fair and being involved with other groups within school, for example Anti-Bullying Ambassadors assisting during anti-bullying week.

The BBK like to ensure they cover all the different celebrations throughout the year, which include Easter and Christmas. They also support events held by Comic Relief, Children in Need and other national events.

On Mondays KS1 take have the opportunity to take part in a sports club after school. During Spring 1 we held a Gymnastics club which enabled children to reinforce their learning from the PE curriculum. In Spring 2, the pupils have the opportunity to take part in a multi-skills and team races events. The pupils work in team to complete various activities in a manner which promotes healthy competition.


Next half term during Summer 1 and 2 the clubs which we will be holding will be Hockey Skills and Athletics. Within these clubs, pupils will again reinforce their curriculum learning from PE.

News club runs after school on Tuesdays. Each term we plan, prepare and publish our own version of LBJA News. Our club focuses on a range of skills such as computing, writing skills, photography and reporting. 

It's an excellent way to provide children with a reason to write for a purpose, to an audience, and our LBJA news editions are something they are immensely proud of. Our termly edition is available in the library.