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Class 1 Foxes - Reception

Welcome to our Class 1 page.

We have a brand new bespoke Foundations Unit that has been built to meet the development needs of all our Foundation Stage children.  The Reception children share the Foundations Unit with our FS1 children. 

Class 1 (Foxes) are a Reception class and are taught by Mrs Dunphy. 

We have 16 places available in our FS2 classes.                                     

School times: 8.40am – 3.15pm

Registration  closes at 8.45am.

The breakfast and after-school provision is available for FS2 children. Breakfast Club operates 8.10am - 8.30am at a cost of £1.25 per day, which includes cereal, toast and a drink. This service needs to be booked at the school office. After-school clubs for FS2 to Year 6 are provided by teaching staff and can also be requested at the school office. 

Our work is based around our favourite stories, rhymes and poems, and we love to learn both inside and outside the classroom!

As part of our morning lessons, the children take part in phonics, maths and English.

Children will take home a phonics book each week that matches their phonics ability.  This book is changed weekly by the class teacher and adapted to meet their growing skills.

On a Thursday afternoon the children will have a pe lesson and an opportunity to visit the academy library where they select a book to take home and share with their adult.  


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New Academic Year 2024-25

We have had a great start to the new academic year!  Look how much we have enjoyed our first few days.